LSCDC à la maison Fontaine (raumlabor architectes), Esplanade Clark, Montréal, 2014. Photo : Catherine Béliveau
light, sweet, cold, dark, crude (LSCDC)
Cycle of microevents, performative installation
Process-oriented and informal in nature, the research and production of this work with immersive sound, moving image, drawing and light is informed by the realities of “gray waters” in various states of composition, decomposition and recomposition. The source material originates in the « Eco Machines » system, pioneered by biologist and ecologist Dr. John Todd situated situated at the rest area of Sharon, Vermont and the Station d’épuration des eaux usées, an industrial system for the city of Montreal. The project is extended with images and sounds from the deserts of southwestern USA.
The project finds its inspiration in the concept of the transduction as defined by French philosopher Gilbert Simondon (1928-1989), by which nature, information and technology co-evolve. The series was initially performed in an intimate setting, disrupting the greek root of the word ecology, eikos, which means « house ».
Text excerpts _Gilbert Simondon
Catherine Béliveau _additional camera, EcoMachines, Sharon, Vermont and production assistance, Fountain House production assistance and documentation
Sophie Bellissent _initial production and research assistance
Roberto Di Giacomantonio _zafuton design and production
Nate Fredericks _bench flow data, Sharon, Vermont
Marc Lavallée _PureData DMX Varichrome LED programming
Florian Grond _MAX-MSP algorithmic ambisonic panner programming
Pier Lefebvre _projection apparatus
Jacques Perron _additional camera and documentation, Station d’épuration des eaux usées, Montréal
Jean-Marc Ratté, Sophie Voyer _Station d’épuration des eaux usées, Montréal
Shot on location at
EcoMachines, Sharon, Vermont; Joshua Tree National Park, California; Station d’épuration des eaux usées, Montréal;
Grand Canyon and Glen Canyon, Arizona.
at Flevoland, Thinking with Water conference
JacquesPerron _documentation
Simon Rolland _production assistance
Sophie Bellissent, Nadia Seboussi _assistance
Equipment and software support from Hexagram-UQAM and Sennheiser Canada.
Presentations (in reverse chronological order)
Fountain House
Esplanade Clark, Montréal, Oct 9-10-11, 2014
in collaboration with raumlabor (Berlin) and Goethe-Institut Montreal, Biennale de Montréal
EcoSapiens Residency, Fernery Room, Pukekura Park, Botanical Garden, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Jan 2011
Thinking With Water Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, June 21 2010
Festival Temps d’Images
Usine C, Montréal, 19-20-21 février 2009
Deep North, transmediale
Haus der Kulturen der Welt,
Berlin, Germany Jan 2009
June 9, June 28, Aug 8 2008
Produced with the financial assistance of the Canada Council for the Arts, Media Arts and PAFARC-UQAM (Programme d’aide financière à la recherche et à la création de l’Université du Québec à Montréal).
LSCDC à la maison Fontaine, octobre 2014, Montréal. Coproduction Goethe-Institut. Photo : Catherine Béliveau.
LSCDC à la maison Fontaine, octobre 2014, Montréal. Coproduction Goethe-Institut. Photo : Catherine Béliveau.
LSCDC au Pukekura Botanical Garden, New Plymouth, New Zealand, jan 2011. Photo : Keith Armstrong.
LSCDC au Pukekura Botanical Garden, New Plymouth, New Zealand, jan 2011. Photo : Keith Armstrong.
LSCDC au Pukekura Botanical Garden, New Plymouth, New Zealand, jan 2011. Photo : Keith Armstrong.
LSCDC au Festival Temps d’Images, Usine C, Montréal, février 2009. Photo : Jacques Perron.
LSCDC au Festival Temps d’Images, Usine C, Montréal, février 2009. Photo : Jacques Perron.
LSCDC au Festival Temps d’Images, Usine C, Montréal, février 2009. Photo : Jacques Perron.
LSCDC à Deep North, Transmediale, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Allemagne, 2009. Photo : Jonathan Gröeger.
LSCDC à Flevoland, Montréal, 2008. Photo : Jacques Perron.
LSCDC à Flevoland, Montréal, 2008. Photo : Jacques Perron.
Stéphane Claude et Catherine Béliveau au Eco-Machines, Sharon North Welcome Centre, Vermont, 2007.
Eco-Machines, Sharon North Welcome Centre, Vermont, 2007.
À la Station d’épuration des eaux usées, Montréal, 2008. Photo : Jacques Perron.
À la Station d’épuration des eaux usées, Montréal, 2008. Photo : Jacques Perron.