permutational media installation
with 4 sensors :
light, temperature, frequency of movement, proximity
“Even matter called inorganic, believed to be dead, responds to irritants and gives unmistakable evidence of a living principle within. Everything that exists, organic or inorganic, animated or inert, is susceptible to stimulus from the outside.” – Nikola Tesla
Originating in visual research* from the project DATA, this installation investigates the translation of magnetic phenomena of image visualisation at nano and micro levels. The intuitive understanding that Tesla had of the potential of zero point energy, the idea of taping into the ambiant medium as a source of energy which is self-regulated and self-sustained, is initially evoked through a cantilever tip (as used by the AFM — Atomic Force Microscope), a point of contact unto a micro flowing surface, a never-ending exchange of magnetic/voltage coordinates. The invisible becomes readable as the « needle » meets the random deviations of matter.
With the collaboration of
Carey Dodge _MAX/MSP programming
Mathieu St-Arnaud _MAX/Jitter programming
Andrew Watson _MAX/sensor programming
Roméo Gongora _production assistance
Christian Miron _sensor display design
*Micro/nano imagery produced in a previous project/residency at the Nanolab, Chemistry Departement, McGill University, with Dr. Vicki Meli and Dr. Bruce Lennox, with financial assistance from the Daniel Langlois Foundation for art, science and technology.
Produced specifically for
Resonance. The Electromagnetic Bodies Project.
Curated by Nina Czegledy and Louise Provencher
European tour: July 2005_September 2006
OBORO (Canada)
ZKM (Germany)
Conde Duque Medialab (Spain)
TENT _V2 (Holland)
Ludwig Museum (Hungary)
Maison européenne de la photographie (France)
Produced with the financial assistance of PAFARC-UQAM (Programme d’aide financière à la recherche et à la création de l’Université du Québec à Montréal)
Conde Duque Medialab (Spain)
TENT _V2 (Holland)
ZKM (Germany)