Photo Gisèle Trudel.
L’espace du milieu
Permutational installation and night projection
L’espace du milieu explores the reflexive emanations of the middle zone which supports life, between earth and sky. The middle (or centre or interval) operates multiples changes with what surrounds it.
There also accumulates greenhouse gases, ionospheric manipulations of the weather, chemical and bacterial aerosols. The work is experiential, inflecting the vibrational activity of middle spaces, which include and exceed humans.
Credits and thank you
Jim Bell, Nancy Bussières, Philippe-Aubert Gauthier, Florian Grond, Laurent Lamarche, Simon Rolland, Daniel Courville, Natalie Lafortune, Catherine Lamontagne-Drolet, Keith McMullen, Christian Miron and Martin Pelletier.
With the support of Hexagram-UQAM, Grupmuv and OBORO.
Presented at the Darling Foundry
In situ project in 3 parts
February 16 – April 10, 2011
Part 1 : production residency in the small gallery, February 16 to March 9.
Part 2 : multiprojection at night on the transluscent windows on Prince Street.
February 26 to March 5, 6pm to midnight.
Launched during Nuit Blanche, February 26, 5pm to 5am.
Part 3 : installation in the small gallery, March 11 to April 10.
Opening March 10.
Artist talk April 7.
Project produced with the financial assistance of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Programme d’aide financière à la recherche-création de l’UQAM (PAFARC) and the Fonds de recherche québécois société et culture (FQRSC).
Photos : Guy L’Heureux, Jacques Perron et Gisèle Trudel
Installation permutationnelle, petite galerie.
Multiprojection sur les fenêtres de la grande galerie, vue de l’extérieur.